Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Some Background Information About Myself

My name is Thomas White. I currently attend Western Michigan University. This is my second semester at WMU, as I previously attended Macomb Community College for two years before I came to Western. I am a pre-medical student, majoring in Bio-medical Sciences with a minor in Chemistry. It has always been my dream to become a doctor ever since I was a little boy. After being through many things in the medical field, good and bad, I've still never steered away from becoming a physician.

I am from the east side of Michigan, an area that is about forty miles north of Detroit, called Washington. I've lived there my entire life and really do love the area. I have an older sister and a twin brother. My twin brother is younger than me by two minutes and I always seem to hold that above him. Many of my family members attended Western Michigan and loved their time here. I am enjoying my time here as well, and I can't wait to see what the future has to hold! My family has a dog named Oliver! Being away from home makes me miss him so much!

In my free time I like to be with friends and spend time with family. I like to get out and exercise as much as I can during the busy school semester. I play a lot of different sports but my two favorite to play would have to be tennis and golf. I’m also a fan of movies and playing the occasional video game too!

When I am not in school during the summer, I work at a golf course as a cook and a retail graphic design company. I am a super friendly individual and I am very easy to talk too!


  1. I also wanted to be some sort of physician when I was younger, but I eventually decided that I would best be suited for engineering. It's nice to see that you enjoy exercise and movies, similar to me. Being the slightly older brother is probably better than than the other way around.

  2. I also have a twin brother who is about 1 minute younger than me. He made the poor decision of attending central michigan university this year. I enjoy playing tennis with my family, unfortunately we are all terrible at it!

  3. My younger sister has also always wanted to be a doctor; being an older sibling is one thing we have in common right off the bat. I also really admire people who want to enter medical professions. I love that ultimately you want to help people. I also want to do this, though in a slightly different way that I'm more suited to, through theatre and art. Personally, I would probably faint having to deal with sick people's bodies and thinking about germs and blood and fatality rates and all, so I really commend you for sticking to your dream.
